
“The Chubby Ladies reflect our womanhood in a striking manner. We are who we are. Satisfied with how we are and to be accepted as we are” (Carine Huughe).

Veerle De Vos EN

Veerle De Vos (VV) was born on May 3, 1962, in Oudenaarde, in a family with four daughters. In 1982, she earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology. After working in education for a few years, she changed her career path in 1991 and, together with her husband Miguel, started a bank and insurance office in Avelgem. Veerle has two children, Jonas and Lies, and three grandchildren, Lewis, Owen, and Lenni.

In her youth, she came into daily contact with the creativity of her father, an architect who was a talented watercolorist in his spare time. Although Veerle did not initially intend to enter the artistic world herself, a serious fall during a triathlon in 2004 profoundly changed her life. This fall led to memory problems and severe migraine attacks, and art provided her with a healing outlet. She fully immersed herself in visual art.

From 2007 onwards, VV began exhibiting her work. Her duo exhibition with sculptor Luc Verbeke from Heule marked the beginning of many rapidly successive exhibitions. To this day, VV’s work can be admired at various locations, showcasing a wide range of her oeuvre.

Through her contacts with various art academies and colleagues, she continues to refine her passion for creating sculptures with new techniques and materials. The themes, colors, and forms in Veerle’s work are very diverse, as are the materials she experiments with, such as clay, bronze, and polyester. Since 2023, she has been living and exhibiting permanently in Knokke. The sea, water, and polders provide her with new inspiration.

Veerle usually works figuratively, patiently building and bringing her objects to life. Her figures with binoculars, her captivating female figures known as “de Dikke Madammen” (the Fat Ladies), and massive primal animals are passionately crafted from clay. These figures are intentionally not perfect in form, symbolizing that beauty resides in the soul.

Veerle aims to touch the world around us in all its facets. For her, creativity does not end with a concept; a concept with a soul becomes “Happiness.”

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